Mining is one of the more lucrative activities in the game with minimal entry requirements. Mining is a low to medium risk activity with high rewards. The only threats to a common miner are minor collisions with asteroids and frequent run-ins with pirate groups that attempt to snatch your valuables by a deployed hatch breaker limpet, but otherwise are uneventful.



Mining in its simplicity is a five step activity which involves scanning and searching for hotspots, prospecting asteroids, extraction and collection and the expenditure of selling your refined minerals to the market.

There are four ways of mining minerals from asteroid belts. You can mine minerals through laser mining, surface abrasion blasting, sub-surface displacement mining and deep core mining. To mine minerals, you'll need a good mining ship.

You might be wondering why we don't have sub-surface mining builds. Sub-surface mining builds are very similar to core mining ship builds, whereby you can replace the Seismic Charge Launchers with Sub Surface Displacement Missiles.


A minimal mining ship should have these following modules installed on their ships:

An optimized mining ship should also carry these modules on their ships to participate in a variety of activities.


There are a lot of moving parts to a miner's firegroup. To put simply, we need to organize all of your mining tools.



If you're in a wing or happen to mine solo, every time you or someone jumps into the same instance as you, either a wing of pirates or a wing of system security ships will spawn in tandem. This happens too if you menu log and come back into your mining instance.

It is recommended to just run away than to fight and start fresh with a new stock of limpets.


There are two types of minerals that get extracted through different kinds of mining, mineral fragments which are extracted through Laser Mining only and mineral chunks, which are extracted through Abrasion Blasting, Sub Surface Displacement Mining, and Deep Core Mining.


When a mineral gets collected by the collector limpet, it gets dispensed directly into a refinery. The refinery is like a sorter, whereby it collects collected minerals and sorts the minerals into its individual hoppers. When the hoppers collect abundant amounts of mining fragment to form a unit of that mineral, the hopper ejects the mineral and stores it in the cargo hold.


In the Navigations Panel in the Contacts Tab, you can blacklist mineral fragments, even mineral fragments with split minerals that prevents the refinery to refine a certain type of mineral. Say if there is a mineral fragment containing both Mineral A and Mineral B:


Finding minerals to mine requires one to source hotspots found at planetary bodies with rings. There are three major contributing factors that affect the content of the minerals found in rings, the reserve level of a ring, the type of ring and any hotspot overlapping.


Reserve levels are broken down into five states which indicates the quality and quantity of the minerals found in the rings.

The higher the reserve level, the higher the percentage of content you will find in the asteroids and the higher the quantity of a commodity you can acquire from each asteroid. The reserve level only affects Laser Mining. The asteroid content percentage purely affects laser mining and not other core mining activities.


There are four distinctive rings types, all of which can be searched in

The ring type can be found in the planetary information in the systems map.

Each ring type will yield a different set of minerals and materials.


When probing the rings to reveal its hotspots with the Detailed Surface Scanner, locations of hotspots will show up. Not all minerals will have a hotspot and not all rings will have identical hotspot locations.

Hotspots are locations with a particularly high concentration of a particular mineral. This means that no matter what type of mining you are doing you will end up with a better yield for the amount of time you spend mining. This does not mean you'll find a concentration of the same kinds of minerals in this location, you'll find a higher likelihood of the minerals.

Hotspots are indicated by intensity. The closer you are to the center of the hotspot, the higher yield percentage you'll obtain from asteroids. In the Swoilz hotspot image, you can see there are three distinctive lines separating the quality and quantities of minerals found if you happen to drop there.

You may find the closest hotspot using


You may encounter hotspot overlaps after probing for hotspots on a ring. Overlaps benefit the rate of the quality and quantity of each mineral that the hotspot overlaps.

In mining, there are terminologies when describing an overlap, a strong overlap and a weak overlap. The names given to the overlaps are the hotspots' minerals and the nunber of overlaps that occur. Take the LTD3 and LTD4 overlaps as an example in the Swoilz PK-R b20-0 system.


Resource Extraction Sites also offer a bonus to your mining yield. In this case, the bonus comes in the form of increasing the number of fragments that are generated by each asteroid. In the case of a Hazardous Resource Extraction Site, the amount of fragments doubles the amount you get from each asteroid. However, this bonus only applies within 20 km of the Resource Extraction Site's navigation marker, and also necessitates dealing with the pirates which will come to investigate your efforts.

While it is certainly possible to mine in Resource Extraction Sites, the need to either avoid the pirates, or kill them makes the operation much more complex to perform efficiently. As such many people choose to avoid these locations.


You can mine any minerals there exists on the market, however, miners are obsessive over high net returns so there are a selective amount of minerals miners will go after.

This is a basic chart of the more lucrative minerals found in different types of rings.

Mineral Approx Price / Ton Laser Mined In Core Mined In
Alexandrite 500-750k Icy, Rocky, Metal-Rich
Benitoite 500-800k Rocky
Bromellite 200-300k Icy Icy
Grandiderite 500-750k Icy
Low Temperature Diamonds 200-500k Icy Icy
Monazite 500-800k Metallic, Metal-Rich
Musgravite 500-900k Rocky
Osmium 250-350k Metallic, Metal-Rich
Painite 250-350k Metallic, Metal-Rich Metallic
Platinum 250-300k Metallic, Metal-Rich Metallic
Rhodplumsite 500-800k Metallic, Metal-Rich
Serendibite 500-750k Rocky, Metallic, Metal-Rich
Void Opals 400-800k Icy

And here is a more detailed chart showing the minerals that can be found as hotspots, what minerals can be found within the same ring type, and the mineral that can be found by lasering, surface abrasion blasting, sub-surface displacement mining, and deep core mining.



How much should I bring?
Fill your all the space in your cargo with Limpets.
If you run out of room for your refined minerals, abandon some limpets, they are rather cheap.


There are four mining practices a miner uses to extract minerals from asteroids:


Laser Mining is a very simple mining play style whereby the miner uses Mining Lasers to dislodge tiny fragments of minerals from surfaces of asteroid bodies. For laser mining, you just need:


To mine efficiently using mining lasers, you need to understand the ratio of number of lasers to the number of collectors being sent out and how big your distributor size is to adequately elongate your mining journey without sending out a large amount of limpets. The general advise is to use the 2D mining lasers and run 4x the number of limpets that you have lasers.

Due to the fact that there are diminishing returns for more mining lasers, there is an optimal point for each size of power distributor. And because is some of these cases the distributor rather than the lasers are the limiting factor the number of required collectors changes too.

So, the following gives you the optimal number of 2D lasers to run for each distributor and gives the time required to mine 35 fragments with optimal setups. Note that this assumes no engineering of your power distributor. Fully engineering the distributor to G5 charge enhanced with super conduits will make your distributor equivalent to one two sizes larger.

Collector limpet numbers assume reasonably optimal alignment for collectors meaning collector turnaround time is around 10s so you need 10x the number of fragments per second being mined.

1A Distributor :

2A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 1A Distributor)

3A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 2A Distributor)

4A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 3A Distributor)

5A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 4A Distributor) -2x Lasers (45s)

6A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 5A Distributor)

7A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 6A Distributor)

8A Distributor : (Grade 5 Modified 7A Distributor)

  1. Fire a prospector limpet at a targeted asteroid by facing it. You'll notice a few things when the prospector limpets lands and scans the composition of the asteroid, the asteroid's total yield percentage, the composition of the asteroid's minerals in percentages, and the material content.

    • Total Yield Percentage - The remaining percentage of minerals to be extracted from the asteroid body.
    • Mineral Composition Percentages - The probability of what sort of minerals gets extracted from the asteroid's surface.
    • Material Content - The probability of how much raw materials gets extracted from the asteroid's surface along with the asteroid's minerals.

  1. You can either start laser mining and extracting the minerals wherever on the asteroid, or you can find the asteroid's rotational axis and extracting fragments from there to prevent limpets from crashing themselves into the asteroid.
  2. Laser the asteroid until the total yield percentage says depleted.
  3. Start collecting the minerals with collector limpets.
  4. Find another asteroid and repeat steps 1-4 until your cargo hold is filled with refined minerals.


In a wing, laser mining generally has its advantages. Wing mates can distribute limpets around if they find one miner to have an abundant amount of limpets to lose, and one miner who has a loss of limpets.

Prospector limpets will display total yield percentage per client, and not globally. If one miner's prospector limpet information reads a depleted asteroid, the other miners may not have the same information readout. This makes anyone who fills up slower during the wing mining run, fill incredibly faster near the end of the run.

This feature of the prospector limpet only works for laser mining only.


Sub surface mining uses the Sub-Surface Displacement Missiles to displace deposits underneath the surfaces of asteroids. Sub-surface mining also requires the utilization of the Abrasion Blasters to dislodge any surface deposits. For sub surface mining, you'll need:

  1. Start by pulse wave analyzing the surrounding area. You're looking for anything that glows.

  1. When you found something glowing, prospect it with a prospector limpet. Continue redoing steps 1 and 2 until you found a desired asteroid to extract from. The Prospector will show you the locations of

    • Surface Deposits:
      Dislodge these protrusions with the Abrasion Blaster.
    • Sub Surface Deposits:
      These sub surface deposits anchors will have an integrity value which is indicated as a health meter.

  1. When you launch a sub surface displacement missile, you need to hold it for the remainder of its launch. At first a message will indicate that the drilling missile needs time to prepare, but by giving it a few seconds, the sub-surface mini-game will commence.
  2. In this mini-game there's two indicator meters, the top meter indicates the density of the sub-surface deposit and the bottom meter indicates the quality yield of the same sub-surface deposit.

    • you need to time the bottom meter with the top meter to displace chunks and extract them
    • in the event that you miss timed the meters, you will fail the extraction
    • every displacement extraction attempt will diminish the integrity of the deposit and gradually the deposit crumbles preventing you to obtain more from the deposit


Deep core mining uses the seismic charge launchers to detonate a fissure asteroid which dislodges core chunks from the center of the asteroid. Deep Core Mining also uses the Abrasion Blaster in tandem with the Seismic Charge Launchers. For deep core mining, you'll need:

  1. Start by pulse wave analyzing the surrounding area. You're looking for anything that glows with an intensive red-orange emitting from the core of the asteroid.

  1. To confirm if the asteroid is a Deep Core asteroid, prospect the asteroid with a Prospecting Limpet. The limpet will indicate by stating Core Detected and the mineral. It will also indicate:
    • Surface Deposits:
      Dislodge these protrusions with the Abrasion Blaster.
    • Fissure Points:
      These fissure anchors will have a strength value measured by three strength levels, low, medium and high strength.

  1. You will need to charge up the intensity of the seismic charges by holding the trigger and letting go with the charge fills up the bars indicated on both the weapons HUD and aiming reticle.
    • Low Intensity Charge:
      Release the charge when the first bar fills up half way full.
    • Medium Intensity Charge:
      Release the charge when the second bar fills up half way full.
    • High Intensity Charge:
      Release the charge when the third bar fills up half way full.

  2. The instant the first charge detonator has been set, a 120 second countdown timer and a charge mini-game will start. The objective of the mini-game is to set detonator charges corresponding to the fissure strengths, until the charge bar meets the recommended charge strength. Anything below the recommended charge strength will not break the asteroid apart, anything above the recommended charge strength will yield poor results.
    • when the countdown timer reaches 0, all detonators that's been set on the asteroid will detonate
    • you can make the detonator charges higher than the corresponding fissure strengths, however, the bar upon detonation might yield poor results
    • in Odyssey, this bar is more sensitive so you might have to be more cautious when setting charges at the appropriate level, sometime going lower

  1. If every detonator is set to fulfill the recommended charge detonator before the countdown, you may look into your navigations panel and go into the Contacts tab. There you can find the detonator's charges.
    • you can fast track down to 10 seconds and detonate charges before the 120 second countdown
    • you can also disarm a charge, but you cannot set another charge on a fissure that a charge's been disarmed

  2. Move around 1 to 2 km away from the asteroid, as the detonation shock and debris may damage your ship.
    • if the detonation jumps over the recommended yield level, and display a warning of "Detonation Yield Charge Exceeded. Yield Forecast Poor", this is only a visual bug and will not impact the yield
    • anything above 10 chunks is considered a good yield

  1. The asteroid will breakup into smaller asteroids, which will reveal hidden surface deposits which can be dislodged by the Abrasion Blaster.


After extracting, collecting, and refining, it is now time to sell your mined goods to the market. If you're planning on a long-trip from an out of reach mining hotspot, it is generally a good idea to sacrifice some cargo racks for a fuel scoop and/or a guardian frame shift drive booster. Travelling with a shield generator is also recommended as pirates will hunt your ship's full of goods along the way.

Selling minerals to the market is rather difficult as different markets from different systems offer different prices for the same minerals. Without the help of a third party website like or will make this trek very difficult and highly risky without a place to exchange your refined minerals for credits. When looking for a suitable market to sell your commodity to there are some key components to look at.

Market information for Void Opals in

Market information for Void Opals in

If you are mining in a wing, you'll get a credit bonus than if you are mining solo when you turn in your profits at the same time, in the same instance.


If you are looking for a more in depth guide to mining with a community that specializes in mining, please visit r/EliteMiners or by visiting their discord server.